No I dont recommend eating anything after the Expiration date
It depends what kind of expiration date like on milk or food or drinks it should say A black Print that says a month and a date and the year thats the expiration date...
The only true food that does not have an experation date is honey...but it does crystalize, not go sour or rot.
Yes. Hourglass followed by year - month is expiration date. Hand with pointer finger lifted is manufacture date.
lest then 1 month when open
All drugs have an expiration date. These expiration dates are so closely watched that hospitals literally destroy millions of dollars in expired drugs every month.
When a condom has a month or a year, it expires at the end of the month
Month Month Date Date Year example m02013: Febuary 1 2013
Because the law states that foodstuffs MUST have an expiry date but from your question, you obviously know that pure honey doesn't deteriorate so doesn't need an expiry date.