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Yes it is an international cola drink

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Q: Is Coca Cola a drink
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Is Coca-Cola a drink?

Yes, Coca-Cola is a drink.

Who are the biggest competitors of coca?

There is no better soft drink then coca cola i love it and no drink can compete with coca cola. Coca Cola is best.

What is Georgia state drink?

Georgia's state drink is coca cola

Is cola a drink?

Yes, Coca-Cola is a drink.

What common drink was first named the esteemed brain tonic and intellectual beverage?

It was Coca Cola

What percent of the world likes Coca-Cola?

91% of people drink Coca-Cola.

Do people in America drink Coca-Cola or coffee more?

Coca cola

Does Coca-Cola have alcohol in?

No Coca Cola is a soft drink that the Coca Cola company made years where most of us werent born it is a simple soft drink it has no alcohol

Why do we use Coca-Cola?

Coca-Cola is a soft drink that many people enjoy.

How do you maintain you Coca-Cola body?

you could drink coca cola at every meal

What soft drink in had a pinch of coca leaves?


How many coca colas consumed in an hour?

You can drink about 12 or 10 coca cola cans in an hour. If you drink 10 in an hour you can drink a can every 10 minutes. But it was said that if you drink too much coca cola in one hour you might have a heart attack. You can also drink 12 coca cola cans in an hour because every 5 minutes you can drink one can. Drinking 10 cans of coca cola is easy for coca cola lovers.