It doesn't go bad if it was kept in a climate controled room - I mean, if the bottle wasn't in direct sunlight. It should be good.
Twenty Good Years was created in 2006.
The duration of Twenty Good Years is 1440.0 seconds.
Twenty Good Years ended on 2006-11-01.
see the Related Link below for recepies Amaretto Alexander Amaretto And Cream Amaretto Blak Amaretto Cherry Sour Amaretto Colada Amaretto Frappe Amaretto Jack Amaretto Mist Amaretto Paradise Amaretto Rose Amaretto Shake Amaretto Sombrero Amaretto Sour Amaretto Stinger Amaretto Stone Sour Amaretto Stone Sweet Amaretto Sunrise Amaretto Sunrise Crush Amaretto Sunset Amaretto Sweet & Sour
Amaretto only has one primary flavor and that is almond
An amaretto sour is a drink made from amaretto and a sweetened mixture of lemon or lime juice.
Some delicious dessert recipes that feature amaretto cream as a key ingredient include Amaretto Tiramisu, Amaretto Cheesecake, and Amaretto Panna Cotta.
Some delicious dessert recipes that feature amaretto and cream as key ingredients include Amaretto Tiramisu, Amaretto Cream Puffs, and Amaretto Cream Cake.
"goodbye, my amaretto" makes no sense unless your friend's name is Amaretto OR you're saluting your liquor!
Amaretto Sour is a cocktail made using Amaretto, sugar, lemon juice, and ice. Any bar that carries the Italian liqueur Amaretto would have that particular cocktail for sale.
Twenty Good Years - 2006 The Elbow Incident 1-13 was released on: USA: 2006 Australia: 7 August 2008
Twenty Good Years - 2006 Remember the Alimony 1-9 was released on: USA: 2006 Australia: 28 September 2008