That is 226.8 grams
8 oz equal to one cup? 8 oz equal to one cup?
1 cup = 8oz
1 cup is equal to 8 fluid ounces.
half of a pound
Yes, 8oz peanut butter, approximately 1 cup.
Yes because there are 8oz in a cup
16 because there are 128 ounces in a gallon
8oz per divided by 488oz comes to 61cups
140 grams is equal to 4.93835467 ounces, so its simpler to say that 140g is roughly 5 ounces. It's very easy to do quick conversions like this online using Google. Type '140g to ounces' into the search field and the top result will give your answer: It can also be used for distance conversions, temperature and so on. For example, typing '25 degrees c to f' would give you a result of: '
5/8oz + 3/8oz + 3/8oz