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The cork over the bottle's neck is going too be pushed by how much air is in the bottle.

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Q: If you put a cork into the neck of a bottle filled with airwhat happens to the pressure inside the bottle?
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What will happen to the air pressure inside a bottle when air is filled up inside?

The air pressure inside the bottle will increase as more air is filled up inside. This is because the air molecules are compressed, resulting in higher pressure.

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If the bottle is from glass will burst soon; the plastic container will be melted.

Would a bottle of helium gas weigh more or less than an identical bottle filled with air at the same pressure?

The bottle of helium gas would weigh less than the identical bottle filled with air at the same pressure. Helium is less dense than air, so a bottle filled with helium weighs less due to the difference in density of the two gases.

Where is the pressure greatest and the least inside a bottle filled with water?

The pressure is greatest at the bottom of the bottle, where the weight of the water above creates the most force. The pressure is least at the top of the bottle, where there is less water above applying force.

Where is pressure greater and the least inside a bottle filled with water?

The pressure is greatest at the bottom of the bottle, as it is supporting the weight of the water above it. The pressure is least at the top of the bottle, where there is less water above exerting force.

Why does a glass bottle completely filled with water and tightly capped burst when placed in freezer?

When water freezes, it expands in volume. In a fully filled container like a glass bottle, the expanding ice has nowhere to go, exerting pressure on the container walls and causing it to burst. The pressure from the expanding ice overcomes the strength of the glass, leading to the bottle breaking.

What will happen if a glass of bottle filled with a liquid sealed tightly and heated?

As the liquid is heated, it will expand and create pressure inside the bottle. If the bottle is sealed tightly, the pressure will build up, potentially causing the bottle to explode due to the increased pressure. It is important to be cautious when heating sealed containers to avoid any potential hazards.

If a bottle is filled with hot air and then put in a freezer why will the bottle change volume and shape?

When the hot air inside the bottle cools down in the freezer, it will contract and decrease in volume. This decrease in volume causes the pressure inside the bottle to decrease, leading to a change in its shape. The bottle may collapse or deform as a result of the reduced pressure.

How do you find mass of relative density bottle when filled with water if when empty is 25g?

The answer will depend the volume of the bottle and the temperature and pressure. Assuming that the experiment is carried out at normal temperature (20 deg C) and one atmospheric pressure, the density of water is 0.9982071 grams per cm3. So, if the volume of the water in the bottle is V cm3 = V cc or V ml, then the mass of the filled bottle is 25 + V*0.9982071 grams.

What is a Cartesian Diver and how does it work?

A Cartesian Diver is a simple experiment using a small object, like an eyedropper, partially filled with water and placed in a bottle filled with water. By compressing the bottle, the pressure increases, causing the object to sink. Releasing the pressure causes the object to float back up due to the change in buoyancy. This demonstrates the relationship between pressure, volume, and density.

When you insert a balloon into a bottle and you pump air into the balloon why the balloon will not fill up the bottle?

The air in the balloon will have a difficult time expanding to fill the bottle because the bottle is already filled with air at atmospheric pressure, which creates resistance. The pressure inside the balloon needs to overcome the pressure inside the bottle in order for the balloon to expand and fill the bottle.