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Q: If nutrition facts on packaged foods say 24 grams of carbs and 10 grams of sugar is that actually a total of 34 grams of each?
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Related questions

Did Nutrition Facts became mandatory for most packaged foods in 1994?

Most of them did, yes.

The Nutrition Facts panel on packaged food tells you?

The serving size and how much calories per serving.

How many carbs are in a. grilled cheese sandwich?

It really depends on the bread and cheese you use, and if you add anything else to it. Check your cheese package and bread nutrition facts, and check the nutrition facts on anything extra. Of course, you also might want to add in a few extra carbs due to the butter or cooking oil that you use on the griddle.

What nutrients is found in butter?

I'm not sure.. If you want, you can check the side of a butter container and look at the nutrition facts.. that should help!

What kind of foods do not require a nutrition facts label?

Fresh food packaged in store/on site. Anything in-store has preservatives and requires an fda label.

Where can I find the cantaloupe nutrition facts?

A lot of websites online have great in depth nutrition facts about cantaloupes, but the following website stood out as containing a lot of good information: It actually lists in a table the nutrition facts of cantaloupes and the health benefits.

How many grams of sugar are in a bottle of beer?

Are you illiterate? READ THE NUTRITION FACTS

Is ice cream fattiness?

Some icecreams are fatty. It depends on the flavor. But icecream is a good source of dairy. Check the carbs, and calories, and nutrition facts. HOPE THIS HELPED ;)

Where can I find a mcdonalds nutrition calculator online?

You could always go online they actually have a nutrition fact sheet on there website at They also have nutrition facts on the back of the tray paper.

Are nutrition facts a physical property?

Nutrition facts is chemical composition of a food.

What are facts about carbs?

they have fat in them and they are unhealthy.

How many calories in Applebee's three cheese chicken penne entree?

Serving Size: 1 bowl, Calories: 1300, Fat: 8.9g, Carbs: 134.3g, Protein: 0g -More Applebee's Nutrition at: calories/applebees