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Many unopened Herbalife products have a two-year shelf life but can still be used a few months after their shelf life has expired. However, after a product's expiration date has come and gone, the produce will lose some of its potency. To gain the maximum benefit from the product, use before the expiration date.

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Q: I understand that Herbalife says that their unopened products expire after two years. How long after expiration date can you REALLY use Herbalife products?
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I understand that herbalife says that their unopened products expire after two years how long after expiration date can you really use herbalife products?

Many unopened Herbalife products have a two-year shelf life but can still be used a few months after their shelf life has expired. However, after a product's expiration date has come and gone, the produce will lose some of its potency. To gain the maximum benefit from the product, use before the expiration date.

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The expiration or best-use-by dates are for unopened packages.

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Salsa can last up to 2 months past the epiration date. Note the jar of salsa must be un-opened.