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You can do it! (Mexican accent)

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Q: I Can accept failure but I can't accept not trying?
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I cant get my tamagotchi v4 to accept a rare cellphone from the store?

Keep trying, sometimes it has erros on it

There is a person who keeps trying to add you on MSN Messenger you ignore him and he keeps trying?

easy accept him then block him yoo got him he got yoo but he cant speak to you if you block him ok

What do 'I can accept failure but I can't accept not trying' and 'you miss 100 percent of the shots you never take' have in common?

They are both related to the fact that if you at least try, you have some chance of succeeding, where if you do not try there is no chance at all of success.

What is the definition of ability to accept failure?

To accept failure is really self explanatory. To deal with it without losing your control, anger or without it negatively affecting you, your life, or your relationships. That is what will determine your ability to accept it or not.

What are the characteristics of Alan?

he is failure tolerant and knows how to accept it

What do you do if your parents think you are a complete failure?

You either prove to your parents that you're not a complete failure, or just accept that you are.

Why do other people cant accept of being who you and whatever you are?

If you accept you, it doesn't matter if they do or not.

What do you when your trying to get a Facebook but it won't accept email?

I keep trying

What are the Characteristics of Alan sugar?

he is failure tolerant and knows how to accept it

What is the meaning of readiness to admit failures?

She know or accept his failure.

What can Michael Jordan not accept?

Not Trying!!

Can you code acute renal failure and end stage renal failure on the same encounter?

no, it cant. has to be either or