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Q: How much tub butter makes 6 tablespoons?
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Related questions

How many tablespoons can you get out of 7.5 ounce tub of butter?

that would be approximately 15 tablespoons.

What number of calories is a tub of butter?

There would be about 1200 calories in a tub of butter. This depends on how big the butter tub is but this is the average.

How much does a package of butter weigh?

The weight of a tub of butter differs by brand because of how the butter is packed into the container. Regardless, the average weight of a tub of butter is about 11 pounds.

How do you measure a cup of butter for cooking if it comes in a tub not sticks?

You look at the weight on the side of the tub and calculate.

How did William Howard Taft get out of the tub he got stuck in?


How much does a lb of butter cost?

A one pound tub of butter or margarine costs about 4 dollars. Prices vary depending on the quality, brand and a number of other factors.

What is the weight of 4 pounds tub of butter in kilograms?

1.82 kg

What words can be formed by the word Butter?

From butter, you can make butt, utter, rub, tub, utter, bet, but, brute, true...

Will one tub of butter spread 40 pieces of toast?

there are too many variables to consider... how big is this tub of butter? how much butter do you put on your toast? how big are the pieces? (near the ends of the loaf or mostely in the middle?) What kind of bread? (rye is slightly smaller) in short the only way you can really know is to test it out. good luck buddy, go and have a piece of toast and start you experiment!

Who makes imperial hot tub?


How many butter sticks are in a cup?

A standard 1/4 lb. stick of butter is 8 tablespoons or 1/2 cup. Honest, it says so right on the stick. The person probably didn't have a stick. They probably had a tub and the directions call for a stick, hence the question. How many cups are in a stick of butter. Butter is not sold in 'sticks' anywhere in the world but the USA. Hence the confusion. 'Stick" is not a standard unit of measure, but a convenience for the manufacturer. Butter is more commonly sold in 454g bricks (1 lb), which is equivalent to 2 cups.

Can you use three-fourths cup of shortening instead of butter when baking cookies?

Substitutes for shortening are butter and margarine in sticks. Use the same amount as called for in your recipe. Keep in mind, plain shortening will NOT be as flavorful as butter or margarine. Do not use soft margarine in a tub as it contains too much water.