If they take a metal spoon while they are cooking
This depends on the recipe or the type of food that you are willing to make. For example if you are cooking something that may have to do with the oven, that would take quite a while considering that the oven has to pre-heat and so on.
No... the string is there to help the joint keep its shape while cooking. Remove it one the joint is cooked
13.03m, or 13,030k. just over 13million.
Covering a roast while cooking it will help to retain the juices. Otherwise it may dry out in the cooking process.
they give u 9$ and its not accepitable
A brine does not necessarily take the place of a marinade. A brine can add some flavor and saltiness. The brine is also generally something you do before cooking while a marinade is something applied at the end or after cooking is done.
well considering lvl59 is about 250,000 xp or so. salmon is 90xp each 140,000 salmon will get you 99 cooking
About 105,547 depending on how much exp you have right now.
It would cost about $1,000 to take it with a professional. Your would e learning from the best.
depends on what your cooking
depends on what your cooking