It is £0.99
In a McDonald's small French Fry, there are 230 calories.
In a small fry, there are 160 mg of Sodium. In a medium fry, there are 270. In a large, there are 350. Please check below for a detailed listing of the nutritional information on McDonalds food.
$2.19 or $1.89
well a large is about 2.59 and a meduim is 2.29 small 1.89
A small fry is 6 points, medium is 10 points, and a large is 13 points.
taste like poo
In a small fry, there are 160 mg of Sodium. In a medium fry, there are 270. In a large, there are 350. Please check below for a detailed listing of the nutritional information on McDonalds food.
A dollar and seventy nine cents and plus tax. :D
1.80 after tax (corporate)
335F for fries and 360F for chicken and other portion.