Approximately 6,780 ml in 30 cups.
There are 4731.76 mL in 20 cups.
That is 0.11 cups
30 ml = 0.126802585 US cups
350 ml is 1.543 cups
That is 1.609 cups.
That is 0.441 cups.
That is 0.441 cups.
Two cups in ml is 473.18 ml which is almost like 450ml
165 ml of water is approximately 0.7 cups.
Well, honey, 360 mL is about 1.52 cups. So if you're eyeballing it in the kitchen, just grab a measuring cup and pour until you hit that sweet spot. Just remember, precision is key unless you're feeling adventurous with your cooking measurements.
1,400 ml of water is 6.173 cups