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in a can of cola there are 200 kg in 60 cans do the math work divide 60 in to 200 which equals=0.30grams

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Q: How much fat and calories in a can of cola?
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What happens when you drink to much coca cola?

when your drink tow much coca cola your body will slowly gain fat and get a bunch of calories.

How much fat does cocacola has?

There is 0.1 grams of fat in 21 ounces of Coca-Cola. The same amount of the drink also has 182 calories.

How much is 100 milliliters in a cola?

50p for a can of cola

How much fat is in 1744 calories?

3500 calories in a pound of fat

How do you know if a food contained fat?

You look at the calories section and see how much calories it has (calories are fat).

Which is better calories from fat or regular calories?

Regular calories are better. You need calories to survive, you don't need that much fat (consumed fat, that is) to live.

How much sugar is 8 ounces of Coca Cola?

There are 100 calories in 8-oz. of Coca-Cola.

How much is 77 grams of fat?

What do you mean how much is 77g of fat? Its 77g of fat!, But if you want it in calories Each g of fat is 9 calories, 77*9=693 77g of fat = 693 Calories. 2900kJ

How much fat is in 45 calories?

Fat produces 9 calories per gram.

How much fat does a 12 oz coca cola can have?

No fat just sugar that will probably turn into fat in your body. Before the body burns the fat it burns the sugar, so if there's lots of sugar the body wont have time to burn it all and get to the fat before you add more.

How much non fat calories do sprite have?

Sprite is fat-free, so all of the calories in a Sprite are non-fat.

How much fat in parmesan?

111 calories and 66 from fat which equal to 22 calories and 13 calories from fat. The amount of fat depends on the amount of cheese consumed. One tablespoon has 22 calories and 13 of those calories are from fat. This is for grated parmesan cheese.