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one euro in Calais. RDG

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Q: How much does sire de beaupre brut cost?
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Is Sire de Beaupre Brut a Champagne or sparkling wine?

Sire de Beaupre Brut is termed as being a mousseux. Mousseux is a French term used for sparkling wine. This being said, the wine is a sparkling wine from France but, not from the Champagne region so technically is not a Champagne. Where specifically in France the wine is from I'm not quite sure.

How much do welsh mountain ponies cost?

it depends how old they are their parents(sire and dam)what they have done in the past

What does sire mean about a horse?

A sire is the father of a horse.

What does dam and sire mean in dog terms?

A sire is the father of an animal or human.

What do you call a father of a foal?

The sire. And the mother is called the dam.

When was Sire Records created?

Sire Records was created in 1966.

What is the father dog called?

Ithink is santa had a dog it would be called Twinkletoes but i think you let your imagination run wild its up to you!

What is the meaning of a beef sire?

A beef sire is a bull that is used for breeding beef cows to produce calves. A sire is a male that has offspring of his own, thus a beef sire is a beef bull that sires calves. The bull is a beef-type bull, which is much more muscular and larger than a dairy bull or dairy sire. Beef breeds include Angus, Charolais, Hereford, Maine Anjou, Shorthorn, Texas Longhorn, Brahman, Limousin, Braford, etc.

Is a sire a female horse or male horse?

A sire is the Father of a horse

What does a dam and sire mean about a rabbit?

Dam=Mother Sire=Father

What is a sire a male or female dog?

A sire is a male dog who is the father of a litter of puppies.

What is a sentence for the word sire?

You didn't say which meaning of the word you wanted to use. If you mean sire as in a ruler, you can try this sentence. "Good morning, Sire," said the court jester. If you mean sire as in the male animal which is the father, you can try this one. That horse is the sire of all these colts. If you mean to sire, as in to father offspring, try this sentence. A fine bull can sire hundreds of offspring.