that is 0.882 cups
There are approximately 2.11 cups in 5 dl of milk.
That is 0.882, of a cup.
200mL equates to about 0.8453 US cups or 84.53% of a US cup.
There are approximately 0.84 cups in 200 ml.
200ml of water is about 9/10 of a cup
well 1 cup is about 200mL so 153 is about .75
Well, honey, there are approximately 8.45 cups in a 2-liter bottle of soda. So next time you're at a party, just remember that fun fact and impress all your friends with your knowledge of soda measurements.
16 imperial oz is equal to 454.609 ml so it is :1.8184 Europe cups (250ml), 1.8942 us cups (220ml), 2.273 japan cups (200ml)16 us oz is equal to 473.1765ml, so it is: 1.8927 Europe cups(250ml), 1.9716 us cups (220ml), 2.273 japan cups (200ml)approximately 16oz is almost 2 cups (unless you are in japan)
That is 0.75 of a cup.
While in the kitchen cooking, it is important to remember how to convert units. In 275 milliliters of fluid there are 1.16 cups of fluid.