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Q: How many times has the coca-cola logo changed since it was designed in 1885?
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How has rice changed since ancient times?

changed different colors

How have chili peppers changed since ancient times?

Haven't changed really.

How has Egypt changed since ancient times?

a lot

How has farming changed since ancient times?

Farming has changed since ancient times because in the ancient times crops were made by nature and now they are made by man and they use tractors to help them with this.

In what two countries has life changed very little since ancient times?

Oman and Yemen were the two countries that life has changed very little in since Ancient Times.

How production has changed since Victorian times?

Methods and machines have modernised.

Has the size of your country changed since 1776?

Yes, many times.

Who designed the Prudential logo?

Any particular one? Prudential has been around since the mid 1800's, and their logo has changed quite a few times over the years. Their most recent logo (from the 1990's-present) was designed by Anne Breaznell and Kristie Williams.

How have Australian families changed since 1900?

australian families are the same as anywhere else, and have changed with the times and technology

How life in the US has changed since pilgrim times?

There's more McDonald's.

What has changed in Islington angel since the Victorian times?

my name is lulia and i livehere

Places in India whose names have not changed since ancient times?

vishakapatnam haridwar