1 cup is 0.2365882368 liters or 0.2365882368 cubic decimeters. 3/8 = 0.375 of a cup are 0.0887205888 liters or 88.7205888 milliliters or 88.7205888 cubic centimeters. 16 Tablespoons equal 1 cup, so you can measure 6 tablespoons if you do not have a 3/8 cup measure. That is in US measurements. There are slightly different tablespoon measurements in the UK and metric systems.
There are 6 tablespoons in 3/8 cup.
The volume of 1 cup = 16 tablespoons 3/8 of 16 tablespoons is 6 tablespoons.
There are 2 tablespoons per ounce and 8 ounces per cup. Therefore there are 16 tablespoons per cup and 3 tablespoons in 3/16 cup.
5.28 tbsp 1 cup = 16 tablespoons 1 tablespoon = 0.06 cup
16 tablespoons to a cup, 8 tablespoons to half a cup
8 tablespoons are needed to make half a cup
7.33 tablespoons or 7 tablespoons and 1 teaspoon 7.33 tablespoons or 7 tablespoons and 1 teaspoon
There are 8 tablespoons or 4 fluid ounces in half a cup.
There are 16 tablespoons in 1 cup.
Half of 3/4 cup is 3/8 cup.Or:It is just over 1/3 cup. But if you need to be more exact, you can first convert from cup to tablespoons. There are 16 tablespoons in a cup, so 3/4 cup would be 12 tablespoons, and half of that would be 6 tablespoons.
The answer to "how many table spoons is in a cup?" is 16........The answer to "how many table spoons is in a cup?" is 16........The answer to "how many table spoons is in a cup?" is 16........
There are 1.5 tablespoons in three fourths of an ounce.