In one ounce there are two tablespoons. In an 11.5 ounce package of coffee there would be 23 tablespoons of coffee.
That is 7.6 tbsp.
115 gm of butter is a 'stick', a 1/4 pound.
That is approximately 7.188 cups
A level Tblspoon weighs 23gram
It really depends on what you are weighing? A dense ingredient such as butter will quantify less tablespoons than a lighter ingredient like candy floss. On average though, a tablespoon is said to hold 15g of liquid so 115g of water for example would equate to 7-8 tablespoons.
1 stick Butter = 1/4 pound = 1/2 cup = 8 tablespoons = 4 oz = 115 g
Most catering services would say one gallon would provide for about 20 people.
There are 1 cup in 16 tablespoons, so 8 tablespoons equals 0.5 cup of butter.
There are 115 of them.
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half of 115
3% of 115 = 115*3/100 = 3.45