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Teaspoons or Tablespoons? Either way you can go to Google and type in:

Convert 30 grams to ....

Just replace the .... with either teaspoons or tablespoons and it will give you the answer.

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13y ago
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8y ago

The number of tablespoons equaling 35 grams will be different for different materials, and will depend on the density of the substance. For example, it will take more tablespoons of sugar than lead to equal 35 grams.

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17y ago

12 teaspoons =48 grams of sugar 4 tablespoons=48 grams of sugar or 12 teaspoons there are 3 teaspoons in each tablespoon

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8y ago

There is no exact correlation between volume (teaspoons, tablespoons) and weight (grams, ounces).

The ratio would be different for each substance being measured.

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12y ago

3 gram = 0.2 Tablespoon [US]


3 gram = 0.6 teaspoon [US]

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