12 quarts.
384 US fluid ounces = 12 US quarts
384 ounces = 10,886.22 grams.
There are 11.356 liters in 384 ounces.
There are 384 ounces in 12 quarts. This is because 1 quart is equivalent to 32 ounces.
A quart is a unit of capacity. A pound is a unit of mass. The two units are therefore incompatible.
384 fluid ounces is three gallons.
384 fluid ounces (US) = 48 cups
8 fluid ounces make a cup. There are 2 cups in a pint, and 2 pints (= 4 cups = 32 fl oz) in a quart. 32 fl oz per quart times 1.2 quarts = 38.4 fl oz in 1.2 quarts.
384 US fluid ounces = 48 US cups