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when i make homemade meatloaf i use about 2 pounds of it

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Q: How many pounds of meat do you need to make meatloaf?
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Related questions

How many calories in meatloaf?

According to one report, there are 480 calories in a 218 gram serving of meatloaf. However, it would depend on all the ingredients used to make the meatloaf (meatloaf recipes do vary, especially from country to country). It would also depend on the ratio of lean meat to fat.

Is meatloaf from horse?

Generally no, but any type of meat can be put in meatloaf.

Can raw meatloaf with egg be refrigerated overnight?

assuming that the meat was not a day away from going bad in the first place, yes, raw meatloaf can be refridgerated overnight. It is almost the same as keeping the raw meat that the meatloaf is made from in the fridge for one extra day, however the spices that you've added to your meatloaf will have a chance to soak into the meat and therefore enhance it's flavor a bit, almost like a marinade.

How many pounds of pasta with meat sauce to make for 100 people?

I would make about 75-80 pounds

If 4 turkeys make 12 pounds of turkey meat then 2 turkeys make how many pounds?

6 pounds oh yesss !

Can thawed cround beef made intoa meat loaf be refrozen?

Once frozen, meat should not be refrozen without being cooked first. So if you have thawed 2 pounds of ground beef and then you bake a meatloaf with it, then you can re-freeze the meatloaf. But don't re-freeze the raw hamburger.

Can hamsters have meat loaf?

yes they can eat meatloaf.......................

What kinds of meat start with m?

meatballs, meatloaf

What is the most common use for meat in the U.S.?


What can you make with deer meat?

Using Deer MeatIf you have deer meat ground up like ground beef, you can make anything with it that you can make with the beef: burgers, meatloaf, chili, goulash, sloppy joes, spaghetti sauce, etc.

How many ounces are in a meatball?

That depends on the brand of meatball, what is in the meatball and other variables. The heaviest meatball weighed 222 pounds, while others can way 4 oz. It all depends. For whatever type you are using, you need to get out the scale and weigh it.

How many pounds of hamburgers do you need for 180 hamburgers?

If you want to make 180 half pound burgers you will need 90 pounds of meat.