well Jack In The Box isn't very healthy, but however more people like it because of the taste. I thought that the commercial is a little inappropriate. TacoBell is better for you and is greater tasting than Jack In The Box. i could go on for hours but i won't so there is your basic information.
People use the term 'jack in the crack' as a rude reference to Jack in the Box restaurants. Basically it's a Jack in the Box burrito.
160 Calories in a regular Jack in the box taco.
Jack in the Box
Jack in the Box
If the word 'jack' is placed between the letters that spell 'box', or if the word jack is placed in an otherwise empty box, the solution is 'jack in the box'. A 'jack in the box' is a toy. A jester (jack) pops up when the box is opened. its "Jack in a box"
Jack plays in the jack-in-the-box
Math is used in the Jack in the box to calculate how many rotations of the handle cause the top to open.
Sure looks like him in the opening scene asking Jack, "Is this your first time in a big box store?"
The solution to Car Ton Jack is: Jack in the box for Jack in Carton.
Jack in a Box
The population of Jack in the Box is 2,008.