There are 16 ounces to 1 pound no matter if it is rolled oats or lead shot.
Approximately 170 gm in a cup of rolled oats
Yes, horses can eat rolled oats as part of their diet. However, it is recommended to feed them in moderation as too much can lead to digestive issues such as colic. It is also important to ensure the oats are free from any contaminants or additives.
16 ounces in a pound.
1 cup of steel cut oats = 5.5 oz 16 oz = 1 lb 16 oz / 5.5 oz = 2.9 cups in a lb
55 cents
A fifty pound sack of rolled barley corn is about $15.00 a bag. Red flakey wheat bran, for a hot bran mash is about the same price. Manufactured feeds run between $15.00 and $20.00 depending upon the brand, ingredients, etc.
there are 16oz in 1lb
16 per lb.
3 lb per day
1 kilo per 2.2lbs
16 oz. per lb.