There are 33.8140225589 oz in one litre so just multiply that by 3.
3.66 liters
84.53 oz
10 litres is 352.74 ounces
287.41919296567 oz. are in 8.5 oz and 33.8 oz. are in a litter.
2 x (2 times) 0.5 oz will make 1 oz of lotion.
0.7 liter
There are 2 half liters of water in 64 oz. One liter is equal to 33.8 oz, so half a liter is 16.9 oz.
1.5 oz of water is about 9 teaspoons.
26 oz is equal to approximately 0.768 liters.
20 You divide 1 by 0.05, giving you 20 0.05fl oz x 20 = 1 fl oz