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The amount of juice can't be determined by looking at one some may be small and some may be large. If it fits in the palm of your hand fingers wrapped all around you may get 1-3 ounces

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Q: How many ounces of juice are in one tangerine?
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How much juice is in one tangerine?

The amount of juice in one tangerine can vary depending on its size and ripeness. On average, a medium-sized tangerine typically yields around 2-3 tablespoons of juice. To extract the most juice, roll the tangerine on a hard surface before cutting and juicing it.

On average how much juice is in one bell pepper?

I use many bell peppers and find virtually no juice. If you 'liquidise' one you will possibly get about 3 ounces of juice.

How much juice is equivalent to half a pound cherries?

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How many ounces of lemon juice are in one lemon?

You should get close to 2 ounces of juice in one lemon. The exact amount will depend upon the size of the lemon.

If a fruit juice has two fruits in it does it count as one or two of your 5 a day?

It doesn't matter how many fruits (or vegetables) in contained in your juice. What matters is your serving size. One serving (usually 6-8 ounces of juice) counts as one of your five-a-day.

How much juice in an orange?

There are approximately 2 ounces of juice in one medium sized orange.

How many ounces in one cup of orange juice?

1 cup = 8 fluid ounces, regardless of what fluid you're measuring.

How many cups of fresh juice equals one can of frozen juice concentrate?

Fresh juice never equals frozen juice; it always surpasses it! But to answer the question . . . A can of frozen juice concentrate is usually 12 fluid ounces. One adds 3 cans of water to reconstitute the juice, making a total of 48 fluid ounces, or 6 cups. So, 6 cups of fresh juice would equal (always be better than) 6 cups of juice concentrate. Please note, one cannot replace juice concentrate in a recipe with fresh juice. The moisture content of the two products is very different and would cause unexpected results.

How many grams are in one cup of juice?

there are 28 grams in an ounce there are 8 ounces in a cup so there is 224 grams in a cup of any liquid

Apple juice weight per gallon?

One gallon weighs 128 ounces one Imperial (UK) gallon weighs 160 ounces A gallon of Orange Juice, milk, water, ketchup, etc will weigh the same

Calories in 1 pint of orange juice?

depends how small/large the juice box is

If one person drinks between 18 and 22 ounces of juice and there are 32 people what is the best estimate?

30 x 20 = 600 ounces