That depends on the brand of meatball, what is in the meatball and other variables. The heaviest meatball weighed 222 pounds, while others can way 4 oz. It all depends. For whatever type you are using, you need to get out the scale and weigh it.
Meatloaf does not have a preset weight, for the best measurement go by the amount of meat and heavier ingredients you use in making the meatloaf. For Example: I use one package of 5lbs of ground chuck to make my meatloaf, my best measurement for the weight of the meatloaf would be around or closest to the weight of the amount of meat I used in the dish itself. This does not mean an exact weight but people do not typically weigh their meatloaf. If it comes down to needing an exact weight you can always use a weight scale, first weight the dish you are going to cook the meatloaf in. Once you know the weight of the empty dish and the weight of the meat used in the dish you can determine the weight after it has been cooked by using the scale again. Make sure you line the scales with wax paper or plastic wrap to prevent making things dirty. Hope this helped
(37.5) x (weight of each meatball in ounces)
A near-spherical meatball two inches in diameter should weigh slightly under two and one-half ounces (70 grams).
that depends on the sise of the meatball. If it is a big meatball about 2. if it is a small meatball anywhere from 2-4
how many weight watchers points plus are in a meatball in sauce
It varies with the recipe
At 1.5 ounces per meatball you will need 50 pounds of ground beef
49 apparently
a cookie made of a meatball
Meatball is a compound word.Type your answer here...
yes!!! yes it is real. The magic meatball is real Its a meatball that talks chain. The only three things it says are "the meatball says yes" "the meatball says no" "ask again later" it will always be real!
That is called a Swedish meatball.
Meatball Machine was created in 2005.