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Q: How many orders of fries does mcdonalds sell in a day?
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McDonalds does not sell chips. Unless, you are referring chips as fries... The world may never know about what mc donalds puts into those fries. On, a lady kept a 4 year old mc donalds fry, and it looked in a perfect condition. Whatever that is put into the fries, has crazy preservatives.

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No. Wawa does not sell money orders. If they ever did, it has been many years since then. I have worked there for over two years.

Does McDonald's serve fries?

Are you kidding me? yes they sell fries, some of the best fries a few dollars can buy!

How many fries are sold at McDonald's in the us?

ummm about a trillionNot quite that many, but it's a lot. According to Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation, McDonalds buys 7.5 percent of the US potato crop, which is reported by the USDA to be 45.6 billion pounds annually. 7.5 percent of 45.6 billion pounds is 3.42 billion pounds of potatoes. If they sell one pound of hash browns per each four pounds of potatoes, they sell 2.736 billion pounds of French fries per year. To reach a trillion fries, there would have to be 365 fries per pound of potatoes--which, since there are only two cups of potatoes in one pound of them, isn't quite possible. However you slice it, that's still a boatload of fries.

What are the products of McDonald's?

floats (blue bubblegum, red watermelon, green apple, yellow banana) burger, chicken burger, fries, fried chicken, chicken fillet, sundae

Does subway sell french fries?

No they do not. sorry. (;