9.85 ml
1 milliliter equals 0.202 US teaspoons.
1 teaspoon is 4.928 milliliters
That is 10 ml.
There are 15 ml in 3 teaspoons, therefore there would be 10 mL's in 2 teaspoons.
A teaspoon volume is considered 5 mL.So, 10 mL is equivalent to two teaspoons.
14 ml = 2.84037791 US teaspoons
753 mL = about 152.8 US teaspoons
300 ml of water is 60 teaspoons.
it is 7.5 ml or 71/2 ml
15 ml in 3 teaspoons
2,500 mL = about 507.2 US teaspoons.
Three mL is equal to about 0.61 teaspoons.
23 mL = about 4.7 US teaspoons.
1.7 mL = about 0.34 US teaspoons.