The volume of 1 US cup is 0.236588237 liters, that is 236.588237 milliliters. Half a cup is 118.294118 milliliters. If you only use pure water then, 118.294118 milliliters of water weigh 118.294118 grams.
62.5 ml in a 1/4 cup.
Half a litre
More than 100, but less than 225 . - "small cup" is not a recognised measurement
1.5 tablespoon (US) is 22 ml
30mL = 0.126803cup
It depends on the size of the cup !... A 'typical' mug would contain around 300 ml.
0.7l is 700ml, 0.5ml is 500ml
There are 118.29 milliliters in half a cup.
1 cup of half and half is about 315 calories.
289,000,000. 1 killiter = 1,000,000 milliters
With some material such as sugar, that is correct. 1 cup of water is 235 gm.
There is 216.5 calories are in a half cup.