1 US fluid ounce = 29.5735296 ml
Therefore, 12 US Fl. oz = ~354.882 ml
Therefore, a can of coke contains about 355 ml.
2000 ml
What is coca cola's coorperate philosophy?
Coca-Cola is a soft drink that many people enjoy.
how many servings of coca-cola were consumed in 1994?
There are many Diet Coca-Cola fans worldwide.
It would be Coca Cola.
It is personal taste, I prefer Coca-Cola over many drinks as well.
coca cola has many drinks like sprite, pepsi, Oasis,
yes coca cola is a multi national company it has its branches in many counties including Brazil inida west indies etc.......... BY ARJUN C.A KAVANA
Coca Cola Vanilla is a product. Coca Cola is a brand.
It was Coca Cola
16 kinds. Coca-Cola, Caffeine-Free Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Cherry, Coca-Cola with Lemon, Coca-Cola Vanilla, Coca-Cola C2, Coca-Cola Raspberry, Coca-Cola Zero, Coca-Cola M5, Coca-Cola Black Cherry Vanilla, Coca-Cola Blāk, Coca-Cola Citra, Coca-Cola Light Sango, Coca-Cola Orange.