One milliliter is equal to one thousandth of a liter. It is a unit of volume commonly used in the measurement of liquids.
Milligrams versus millilitersOne milliliter of water weighs one gram. There are 1000 milligrams in one gram.One milliliter of other substances will weigh more or less, depending upon their densities. A millilter of gasoline, for example, weighs less, and a milliliter of mercury weighs more -- WAY more. (No pun intended.)Milligram is a unit of mass; milliliter is a unit of volume. You can't directly convert the two. If you know the density of a substance, you can say, for example, "1 milliliter of water has a mass of 1 gram (1000 milligrams)", or "1 milliliter of lead has a mass of about 11 gram".
One milliliter is equal to one gram (1 mL= 1 g), and there are 1,000 milligrams in a liter, so 3 mL is equal to 3,000 milligrams and 100 mg is equal to .1 mL.
There are 453,592.37 milligrams in one pound.
One milliliter is equal to 0.0002641721 gallons.
There are 50 grams in one milliliter and 1000 milligrams in one liter, so there are 50,000 milligrams in 50 grams.
One cubic centimeter equals one milliliter. == ==
The conversion of milligrams (mg) to milliliters (mL) depends on the density of the substance. For water, 1 milligram is approximately equal to 1 milliliter. Therefore, 500 mg is roughly equivalent to 500 mL when dealing with water.
One hundred milligrams does not equal ten milliliters. One thousand milligrams equals one gram, one gram is equal to one milliliter.
I think what you mean to ask is how many milliliters (ml) are in a teaspoon, there are 5ml per teaspoon. Milligrams refers to the concentration of the medication as in how many milligrams per milliliter and that will vary from medication to medication
One kilogram is equal to 1000000 milligrams. Therefore, 89 milligrams is equal to 89/1000000 = 0.000089 kilograms.