A cup holds approximately 125 grams of flour therefore 6 cups is equal to 750 grams of flour
1360.8 gram
16 tbsp = 1 cup= 8 oz= 225 grams 750 grams would be about 3 and 1/3 cups.
Cups is a measure of volume and grams is a measure of weight. It is impossible to know how many grams a cup of something is without knowing the substance and how much it weighs. For example, since sugar weighs more than flour, the weight in grams of a cup of sugar is more than the weight in grams of a cup of flour.
Six ounces is equal to 150 grams. There are between 130 and 140 grams of flour in one cup, depending on the type of flour. So 6 ounces of flour yields a little more than one cup full.
A cup is a measure of volume and a gram is a measure of mass (or weight.) But lots of folks have weighed a cup of flour, fortunately for us, and sifted white flour weighs about 125 grams per cup.
120g of wheat flour will be equal to 1 cup whole wheat flour.
For every 200 grams of flour, there 1.601 cups of flour. This also means that there is 0.008 cups of flour per one gram.
If a baker doubles a recipe that calls for 6-2/3 cups of flour, how many cups of flour will be needed in all?
Grams is a measure of weight, while cups is a measure of volume so you would need to know the density of whatever you're trying to convert from grams to cups. For instance, the USDA database says All-Purpose flour is 125 g/cup, so 750 g is 6 cups.
that is approximately 6 cups of flour
That is approximately 1.4 cups of plain white flour.