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The volume of an US cup is 0.236588 liter. Half of one third cup is 1/3 cup, that is 0.0788627 liter Only if you have pure water you can say: 0.0788627 liter weighs 0.0788627 kilograms. That is 78.8627 grams.

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15y ago
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3y ago
ha! i no know wot dat meens
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15y ago

There are 67 grams of white sugar in 1/3 of a cup.

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12y ago

It isn't possible to answer this. Cups are volume measures, grams are weight measures.

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10y ago

A cup is considered 250 gm . So 2/3 of a cup is 166.6 gm.

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10y ago

A third of a cup is approximately 80 grams.

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10y ago

About 80 grams

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10y ago

Approximately 75 grams.

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10y ago

About 330 grams.

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10y ago

2/3 cup of water is 151.046 grams

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