How Big is the Egg? What did it come from? These will need to be in the question to get a close answer.
Assuming you're asking about the total weight of a chicken egg... In the United States, one dozen large eggs weighs about 1.5 pounds, which means one large egg weighs approximately two ounces, or 57 grams. (In the UK, an egg that size would be classified medium.) See the link below for an excellent discussion of chicken egg sizes.
In an average egg graded "large" there is about 6 grams of protein.
A chicken egg has about 6 grams of protein, but this can vary slightly depending on the size of the egg. Eggs are a great source of protein and if you don't want to eat the fat, you can simply not eat the yolk (middle, yellow part of the egg.)
One large egg's white is about 38 grams.
Depends on the egg, they come in different sizes.
It has about 8 grams of fat.
A large egg weighs approximately 2 ounces or nearly 60 grams. The yolk is typically about 1/3 of that weight, so the egg white would be about 40 grams.
On average, one large egg weighs about 50-60 grams, including the shell. Without the shell, the weight of the egg is roughly 45-50 grams.
There is officially no such term as a "regular" egg. A medium is 47.5 grams and a Large is 54,4 grams
There are about 1.6 grams of carbs in four eggs.
A medium-sized egg typically weighs around 50 grams.
well the average egg is about 57-60 grams. You divide grams by a thousand and get .057Kg-.06Kg :)
A regular size large egg will contain about 6 grams of protein in it3.5 grams in the white part of the egg2.5 grams in the yolk.The amounts may vary based upon the size of the egg.