There is 396.97352678130934612 grams exactly. But this depends on how big your cup is.
220 grames
250 grams
Yes, crushed ice will melt faster in a cup of water than in a cup by itself. This is because the water is a higher temperature than the ice.
More surface contact with air.
Approximately 16-18 ice cubes make up one cup of crushed ice, while for larger cubes, it may take 8-10 to make up a cup. The actual number can vary based on the size of the ice cubes and how they are packed.
Crushed ice will need to start out as cubes. There are many machines on the market that will take cubed ice and turn it into crushed ice. The leading manufacturer of these machines is Island Oasis.
1 cup is 250 gm. -So 50 gm is 1/5 of a cup.
The number of grams of fat present in ice cream depends on what type of ice cream it is and how big of a serving you have. Typically a half of a cup of chocolate ice cream has 7 grams of fat, while a half cup of strawberry ice cream has about 6 grams.
Crushed ice
30 grams :p
One brand of vanilla ice cream has a weight of 66 grams per 1/2 cup (118.3 ml) so 125 ml of that would weigh about 70 grams. A typical soft serve ice cream is 86 grams per 1/2 cup (118.3 ml), so 125 ml of that would weigh about 91 grams.
Crushed ice since their is a greater surface area exposed.