You could get possibly 8 gallons of milk from them a day but the more they eat the more milk they produce but the maximum of gallons is 8 and that is 180 milk cartons that they serve in school cafeterias
1500 gallons of fresh milk 600 gallons of condensed milk
A trillion gallons of milk equals a trillion gallons.
there is about 4,000 gallons of strawberry milk in asia
A quart of milk typically serves around 4 people, with each person receiving approximately 1 cup of milk.
Six half gallons of milk equal three gallons.
There is 1 gallon of milk in the typical milk jug.
that is 32 cups
There are approximately 1.89 liters in 0.500 gallons of milk.
It will give 375 gallons of milk in 3 months if it gives 1500 gallons of milk in one year