128oz =1 Gallon
AnswerIt is equal to 1/2 of a gallon, exactly!
2 tablespoons = 1 oz. At 2 tbs (1 oz) per gallon, you will need 32 gallons for 32 oz of concentrate,
68 oz does not make 35 gallons. 68 oz. = 1/2 gallon plus 1/2 c (4 oz)
128 oz in 1 gallon 128x512=65536 65,536 fl oz
2.5 oz
300 ounces = 3 1/3 gallons Three and one-third gallons
128 fl oz = 1 gallon 2 x 128 fl oz = 256 fl oz = 2 gallons 4 x 128 fl oz = 512 fl oz = 4 gallons
1/3 oz.
4.5 US gallons is 576 fluid ounces @128 ounces per gallon.
40 pounds of powder is equivalent to 640 oz (1 pound = 16 oz). If 4 oz of powder make 1 liquid gallon, then 640 oz would make 160 liquid gallons (640 oz / 4 oz = 160 gallons).
1 oz = 30ml actually 1oz = 29.57 ml 320 gallons is 64% of 500 gallons therefore 29.57 x 64% = 18.92 so~ about 19 ml