The battle of Brandywine only lasted a day if that. It was fought on September 11, 1777.
Washington had approximately 12,000 soldiers at his command at the Battle of Brandywine. Howe had approximately 18,000 soldiers at his command.
The battle of Brandywine was important because it caused the colonists to gain confidence because they killed many even though they lost the war.
The battle of the Alamo lasted about 13 days.
2 days
The battle was fought on Various dates (6000 BCE - 500 BCE. However, the battle did last for 18 days.
4 Days
24 hrs.
The battle lasted for 3 days. It was fought on July 1-3, 1863.
The battle was fought for 215 days. It was fought on July 1778 - February 1779.
3 days. July 1,2,3, 1863.
31 diys long
The battle was fought on 1 April - 22 June 1945. The battle lasted for 82 days.