5 ml equal a teaspoon.
5 ml in a teaspoon.
1 teaspoon is equal to 5mL.
Typically, a dash is equivalent to about 1/8th to 1/16th of a teaspoon, depending on the size and shape of the bottle's opening. The number of drops per dash can vary, but on average, it's around 6-10 drops. It's always a good idea to test it out with water to determine the exact number for your specific bottle.
0.01 pints in a teaspoon.
5 milliliters equal 1 teaspoon.
1 teaspoon is 5,000 mg .
5 grams is 1 teaspoon.
A saltspoon is 1/4 teaspoon, so there are 4 saltspoons to a teaspoon.
One teaspoon = how many cc's?
There are 1760 yards in one mile, so 35.2 (1760 divided by 50) 50-yard dashes equal one mile.