125 mL = 0.5283 cups.
7 pints 1.62 cups
That is 0.551 of a cup.
125 ml is 1/2 a cup , -no matter how old !
125 ml of milk is equivalent to approximately 0.53 cups.
125 ml is equal to approximately 0.53 US cups.
That is 0.265 of a cup.
That is 0.551 of a cup.
The density of sugar is approximately 0.85 g/ml. Therefore, 300g of sugar is equal to 300/0.85 = 352.94 ml. One cup is equal to 236.59 ml, so 352.94 ml is approximately 1.49 cups. Therefore, 300g of sugar is roughly equal to 1.49 cups.
Eight. There are 1,000 ml in a liter, so a liter can be divided into 8 portions of 125 ml.
how many ml 100 is in sugar
First, know that 1 cup is equivalent to about 250 ml. If you divide 250 in half, you will get 125. Since 125 is the number of ml we're looking to convert into cups, you know that since this number is half of 250 (the number equivalent to 1 cup), your answer is 1/2 cup of milk.