If you are say making strawberry jelly, you usually get 1 cup of juice per qt of berries. One quart equals 1 1/2 pounds of strawberrries, so for 1 lb I would say around 3/4 cup.
Strawberry ArithmeticOne pound strawberries equals about 3 and 3/4 cups of whole berries.One pound strawberries equals about 3 cups of sliced berries.One pound strawberries equals about 1 and 3/4 cups of mashed berries.One pound strawberries equals about 2 cups pureed berries.It is difficult to give specific measurements for berries because the sizes determine how many fit into a pint or a cup. A cup of large berries will contain fewer berries than a cup of smaller berries. Please visit www.pinetreeappleorchard.com for specific unedited information.
One pound strawberries equals about 3 and 3/4 cups of whole berries. One pound strawberries equals about 3 cups of sliced berries. One pound strawberries equals about 1 and 3/4 cups of mashed berries. One pound strawberries equals about 2 cups pureed berries.
1 pound of tomatoes could yield 2 cups of juice. This would also depend on the size of the tomatoes.
Strawberries come in many sizes. The last pound I bought had about 24 strawberries.
There are approximately 3 cups of strawberries in 1.5 pints.
2 cups
2 cups in a pound
There are 2 cups in a pound.
You do are not being asked how many strawberries because the first sentence tells you the answer and that is way too easy. One pound and a half of strawberries divided by three is half a pound. To check if this is correct, try half a pound times three. That equals a pound and a half, the amount of the strawberries. It is actually very simple!
That is about 3 cups.