Yogurt and ice cream is measured in liquid measurements and a "pound" is a solid measure. "Cups" is also a liquid measurement of volume so your question can not be answered since cups don't equal a pound of weight.
Three cups of cornstarch in one pound.
how many cups are in a one pound box of confectioners sugar?
how many cups is a fourth pound of butter?
There is approximately 2 cups of lactose sugar in one pound of sugar. However, there is 3 3/4 cups of confectioners sugar in one pound.
One pound is three cups
How many cups of M&M's are in a pound?
There are approximately 4 cups of dried lavender flowers in one pound.
there is 1 3/4 cups of oxiclean per pound.
== == 2 cups
That is about 2 cups
A pound of peas is about 2 cups.