5 Cups
5 ml is 0.022 of acup.
5 L = 5000 ml 5000/250 = 20 cups
1182.94 ml
1 teaspoon is equal to 5 millilitres (mL).5 mL x 144 = 720 mL720 mL is equivalent to:2.88 metric cups (1 cup = 250 mL)3.06 US cups (1 cup = 235 mL)2.53 UK cups (1 cup = 285 mL)
There are 1,182.9 milliliters in 5 cups.
That is approximately 1133.981 ml
that is 1/5 of a cup which is 250Ml
A metric cup has 250 mL (0,25 L).An US legal cup has 240 mL (o,24 L).
75 ml of water is approximately 5 tablespoons
150ml = 2/3 cups = 5 fl. oz.
According to U.S Standards 800 ml is 3 1/3 cups or 3.381 cups