One cup of condensed milk typically weighs around 306 grams. To convert 395 grams into cups, you would divide 395 by 306, which equals approximately 1.29 cups. Therefore, 395 grams of condensed milk is roughly equivalent to 1.29 cups.
Milk, non-fat: 1 cup = 245 grams Milk, sweetened condensed: 306 grams So one can calculate for any number of cups of milk.
It is approximately 400 grams
That is 2 cups
1 1/4 cups
Normal about 396 grams.
The number of cups in 212 grams depends on the density of the substance being measured. When measuring water there are 0.9 cups in 212 grams. When measuring flour there are 1.7 cups in 212 grams.
1 kilogram = 1000 grams 1 gram = 0.001 kilograms
500 grams of milk is approximately 2.205 cups.
150 grams of milk is approximately 0.661 of a cup.
To convert grams to cups for evaporated milk, you need to know the density of the liquid. The density of evaporated milk is approximately 1.056 grams per milliliter. Therefore, 410 grams of evaporated milk would be roughly 388 milliliters. Since 1 cup is equivalent to 240 milliliters, 410 grams of evaporated milk is approximately 1.6 cups.
About 1/2 cup.