136 cups
That is approximately 1.2 cups
That is 1.102 cups
That is approximately 1.102 cups
That is approximately 2.1 cups
how many cups is 250 grams of castor sugar
That is 1 cup.
That is about 1.5 cups
4,000 cups (16 cups per gallon * 250)
Approximately 1 cup of cream cheese is equal to 250g.
Grams is a unit of weight measurement. Cups measure volume. While you can weigh different things and have them all weigh 250g, these items will not equal the same amount of cups. For example, 250g of salt would take up less "space" than 250g of popped popcorn. So, since all foods weighing 250g may fill a different amount of cups, your question can only be answered if you are asking about a specific food.