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Primarily, the alcohol level. A four ounce glass of wine at 12 percent alcohol has about 120 calories; the same size with a wine 14 percent alcohol has about 140-160 calories; a 16 percent alcohol wine, about 160-190 calories.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 12y ago

That depends on what the harvest specifications were and therefore the residual sugar. There is no way to answer this question.

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Q: How many calories in a bottle of moscato wine 7 percent alcohol?
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115 calories. The good news: alcohol contains calories, but drinking alcohol doesn't generally appear to lead to weight gain, according to extensive scientific medical research, and some studies report a small reduction in weight for women who drink.

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50% alcohol Proof ÷ 2 = % alcohol

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What is the meaning formula of percent by volume?

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