75% of the calories in a McChicken are not from fat.
There are 470 calories in a McDonald's McChicken sandwich. 27 of those calories is from fat.
There are 360 calories in a McDonalds McChicken sandwich. There are about 230 calories in a small McDonalds fries.
310 calories.
There is total of 35 percent of fat in a McChicken. That equals to 23 grams. The McChicken sandwich is a product from McDonalds.
There are 360 calories in a McChicken sandwich and 144 calories are from fat. There are also 40 grams of carbohydrates and 800 mg of sodium in this serving.
When ordering a McChicken, large fries and a large coke, expect to consume at least 1110 calories.
about 180 calories
250 calories
260 calories
440 calories
According to McDonalds nutrition chart. A plain Filet-O-Fish sandwhich is 270 calories. A filet-o-fish with cheese is 290 calories.