Well, honey, if you're crushing those Vanilla wafers to bits, you'll need about 22 of those bad boys to make 1 cup. So, get smashing and measuring, and you'll be on your way to whatever delicious dessert you're making. Just don't eat them all before you get them crushed!
there are 8 vanilla wafers in one serving of nilla wafers.
Vanilla wafers are a favorite snack among many kids and adults. They can be eaten by themselves or as part of a recipe. They were first invented by David Jung.
Well honey, if you're talking about vanilla wafers, there are about 4 cups of crumbs in an 11 oz box. So go ahead and crush those wafers to your heart's content, just make sure you have a good recipe to use them in!
Smarties are 2 points for 4 rolls.
5 y? 5 y?
One 16 oz can of crushed pineapple is equal to approximately 1.75 cups when measured.
I'm assuming that you're using a European recipe where, what we call cookies are called biscuits. The cheesecake batter is usually poured over a crumb crust of crushed cookies or graham crackers before baking. The cookies (biscuits) can be any kind that you like yourself. The most commonly used is the graham crackers, but many people find that boring and use their own favorite. That could be vanilla wafers, ginger snaps, chocolate wafers, or even chocolate chip cookies.
That is approximately 6 teaspoons
That is approximately 10.5 pounds
According to Necco, they make about 4 billion wafers every year.
One gram gold equal to how many gram of gold bicuit
1 dash of vanilla extract is approximately equal to 1/8 teaspoon.