There are approximately 32,478 McDonald's restaurants in the world.
To be exact, there are 7,567 McDonalds restaurants worldwide!
To be exact, there are 7,567 McDonalds restaurants worldwide!
To be exact, there are 7,567 McDonalds restaurants worldwide!
there are more than 32 thousand Mcdonalds restaurants worldwide.
a lot
too many.
there are 29 Mcdonalds are in Auckland
Yes, it does. Actually, most McDonalds restaurants in the world are franchises.
The McDonalds web site quotes "McDonalds is the leading global food service retailer with more than 30,000 local restaurants serving 52 million people in more than 100 countries each day".
there are 20, 000, 000 resturants in thee world
the theme of mcdonalds