It depends on the size of the bottle and the cup. It is actually possible to get a wine glass big enough to hold an entire regular sized bottle of wine.
Nothing, it has no thumbs A standard 750 ml bottle of wine contains about 27 fluid ounces.
Bottle of rose wine
anywhere between 3-5 depending on the size of the cup
2 x 750ml of wine is egual to 1.5ml of wine.
How many glasses to a bottle of sparkling wine?
A standard wine bottle typically contains 750 milliliters.
There are a number of places one can purchase a bottle of Felting wine. One can find this wine My Wine Shop, The Wine Shop, Majestic Wine and many supermarkets.
There are five servings (glasses) of wine in a 750 ml bottle of wine.
Trick question, there is no such thing as a 2 liter bottle of wine.
There are five servings in a standard 750 ml bottle of wine.
A standard wine bottle typically contains 750 milliliters.